Pain Relief
When needles are inserted to stimulate acupuncture points, the body releases endorphins (natural painkiller). Acupuncture can also decrease inflammation, increase blood flow, relieve tension, and increase range of motion.
Injury Prevention
Athletes usually wait until the point of injury before they seek help. If you have pain, it's already too late to prevent the injury from happening. Pain is just a symptom indicating a problem. Injury prevention is key for any athlete to set themselves apart.
Improves Blood Flow
Acupuncture increases nitric oxide levels in the body. This relaxes blood vessels and opens up arteries, allowing for increased blood flow to the heart and other organs.
Lowers Stress and Anxiety
Stress is a silent killer. Our bodies are always seeking homeostasis, but stress constantly pulls us out of balance. Acupuncture can help regulate neurotransmitter and hormone release, creating a positive effect on brain chemistry.
Rapid Recovery
Acupuncture significantly improves blood flow, and reduces inflammation during training. It also relaxes the muscle tissue, and improves range of motion.
Improves Sleep
It's easy for an athlete to ignore the impact of sleep deprivation in recovery and performance. Not only can acupuncture and herbs treat insomnia, but they can also improve sleep quality.